The Slave Ship: A Human History
Slave Ships and Slaving
Slave Ship Sailors and Their Captive Cargoes, 1730-1807
Slave ship: the story of the Henrietta Marie
Stalin's Slave Ships: Kolyma, the Gulag Fleet, and the Role of the ...
From Slave Ship to Harvard: Yarrow Mamout and the History of an ...
Life on an African slave ship
Joseph Kleinman, Eileen Kurtis-Kleinman - 2000Explores the history of the slave trade between African and America, providing information about how slaves were captured, life aboard the slave ships, how the sale of slaves was executed, and what occurred after the sale.The slave ship Fredensborg
From Slave Ship to Freedom Road
Transatlantic Slavery: Against Human Dignity
Thursday, November 29, 2012
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
Video: The Floating Dungeon: A History of the Slave Ship
Watch this video of Marcus Rediker, professor of history at the University of Pittsburgh, he is speaking on "The Floating Dungeon: A History of the Slave Ship" at the Vanderbilt Law School March 10.
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
Video: The Zong Slave Ship
Remembering the past....The Zong Slave Ship "The Zong" slaveship now in London. Floating exhibition to mark 200th anniversary of abolition of slave trade.
Friday, October 19, 2012
Video: Amistad - Slave Ship Rebellion
Watch this video: Amistad - Slave Ship Rebellion
The First Scene of the Amistad movie, will the slaves rebel against the Slavers of the Ship "Amistad" while on route to the caribbean.
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
Search results:
Images of African Slavery and the Slave Trade - ... the Slave Trade includes pictures of indigenous and European slave trade, ... by European merchants and ship's captains, slaving ships, and scenes from the ...
Images of African Slavery and ... - Indigenous African Slavery - A Slave Barracoon
Slave ship - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - Slave ships were large cargo ships specially converted for the purpose of transporting slaves, especially newly purchased African slaves to the Americas.
A Slave Ship Speaks: story, pictures and information - - 10 Jul 2007 – A Slave Ship Speaks: story, pictures and information, learn share and discover the life and times of A Slave Ship Speaks.
Slave Ships and the Atlantic Crossing (Middle Passage - Virginia - Enslaved Africans being Carried to a Slave Ship, Gold Coast, late 17th cent. American Naval Ship Encountering American Slave Ship, June 6, 1850 Cooking ...
Slave Ship -
You Found It! An incredible story and picture of a Slave Ship, one of the ugliest aspects of African Slavery.
slave ship Photos - Photobucket - View slave ship Pictures, slave ship Images, slave ship Photos on Photobucket. Share them with your friends on MySpace or upload your own!
Africans Aboard a Slave Ship -
Origin of Photos: The National Archives, United Kingdom. This 1868 photograph is believed to show a group of rescued slaves from an illegal slave ship.
History in Pictures: American Slave Ships Captured - 27 Jun 2012 – Two of the last ships to be captured at sea before American slaves were freed in 1863 were the slave ship William with about 550 slaves on ...
CBBC Newsround | Pictures | In pictures: Slavery - 19 Feb 2007 – Find out more about slavery in our picture gallery. ... People being captured to be slaves in the Congo, Africa. From about ... Slaves on a ship ...
Life on board slave ships - National Museums Liverpool - Africans being forced to 'dance' on board ship. Illustration from 'France Maritime' by Grehan Amedee, courtesy of the Mary Evans Picture Library. Slave ships ...
Sunday, September 30, 2012
Review Search: Slave Ships Cast

- Captain Lovett ordered his first mate Thompson to get rid of his slave-trading crew and get a more respectable bunch for standard shipping... See full summary » ...
Režisér: Tay Garnett. Účinkujú Warner Baxter, Wallace Beery. - Preskočiť na Cast: Cast. Warner Baxter as Jim Lovett; Wallace Beery as Jack Thompson; Elizabeth Allan as Nancy Marlowe; Mickey Rooney as Swifty ...
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
Slave Ship Movie Review, Pics, Video
- apr. 2010 - 5 min. -
The First Scene of the movie, will the slaves rebel against the Slavers of the Ship "Amistad" while on route ... - › ... › Movies -Slave Ship. Plot: This period adventure drama was directed by. Visit Answers.
com for Cast, Crew, Reviews, Plot Summary.
Related searches to keyword slave ship movie
Saturday, July 28, 2012
Image that Led Call for the End of Slavery
The old saying is - that “a picture speaks a thousand words.” Here’s an
-example of one image which spoke volumes more, leading to increased
resolve to - call for the end of slavery.
If you had to compile a list of the - most important infographics - in the history of western civilization, this cutaway chart of the 18th-century Brooks - slave ship would rank right up there with Charles Minard’s flow map of the ill-fated -Russian campaign of 1812 and- pretty much anything by Ed Tufte.
Eye magazine has a- fascinating account of how the drawing became a key visual weapon in the 18th- and 19th-century fight against slavery, as- part of a larger feature on information design that changes minds. First published by British- abolitionists in 1788, the diagram- depicts a vessel of 400 slaves packed in cheek by jowl, some with- just 2 feet and 7 inches of headroom. The Brooks was an actual ship that schlepped enslaved Africans to- Liverpool, England, -and typified the slave vessels of the era: The Regulated Slave Trade Act of 1788, which was designed to- reduce deaths- due to overcrowding on slave ships, allowed each man 6 feet by 1 foot- 4 inches of space (women and children were granted slightly less room). By those measurements, the Brooks was- able to carry up to 454 slaves.- The diagram’s engraver could only squeeze in 400.
In the years that followed, the- Brooks slave ship drawing -was republished in- broadsheets, and as a poster, all over Britain, France, and the United- States, and came to symbolize everything inhumane about the slave trade. Whether it- swayed public opinion or -simply articulated the sentiments of the already converted is, of course, impossible to- know. (The U.K. didn’t abolish slavery until 1833.) But the economy of the image,- and the “intelligible and -irresistible” way it conveyed information, as the abolitionist Thomas Clarkson said, made it an unusually resonant -form of anti-slavery propaganda. It was design with the power of language.
If you had to compile a list of the - most important infographics - in the history of western civilization, this cutaway chart of the 18th-century Brooks - slave ship would rank right up there with Charles Minard’s flow map of the ill-fated -Russian campaign of 1812 and- pretty much anything by Ed Tufte.
Eye magazine has a- fascinating account of how the drawing became a key visual weapon in the 18th- and 19th-century fight against slavery, as- part of a larger feature on information design that changes minds. First published by British- abolitionists in 1788, the diagram- depicts a vessel of 400 slaves packed in cheek by jowl, some with- just 2 feet and 7 inches of headroom. The Brooks was an actual ship that schlepped enslaved Africans to- Liverpool, England, -and typified the slave vessels of the era: The Regulated Slave Trade Act of 1788, which was designed to- reduce deaths- due to overcrowding on slave ships, allowed each man 6 feet by 1 foot- 4 inches of space (women and children were granted slightly less room). By those measurements, the Brooks was- able to carry up to 454 slaves.- The diagram’s engraver could only squeeze in 400.
In the years that followed, the- Brooks slave ship drawing -was republished in- broadsheets, and as a poster, all over Britain, France, and the United- States, and came to symbolize everything inhumane about the slave trade. Whether it- swayed public opinion or -simply articulated the sentiments of the already converted is, of course, impossible to- know. (The U.K. didn’t abolish slavery until 1833.) But the economy of the image,- and the “intelligible and -irresistible” way it conveyed information, as the abolitionist Thomas Clarkson said, made it an unusually resonant -form of anti-slavery propaganda. It was design with the power of language.
Friday, July 6, 2012
Oman: Ships of Slave City
Seafaring traditions are alive and well in Sur, an historic part of Oman's coast
An Arab trading dhow lay resting on the sand at the edge of the historic harbour of Sur, surrounded by a school of lean, fierce fishing boats, yet still managing to look elegant in spite of its age.
Across the harbour on one side was the welcoming shape of a restored lighthouse tower, built by the Portuguese when they ruled this part of the Oman coast in the 16th century.
On the other side, a row of small stone forts marched threateningly down the ridgeline to the sea.
Together they provided an appropriate reminder of the days when Sur was not just a sleepy fishing port but a hub of global trade - the slave trade in particular - and Oman's dhows ruled the seas from the Arabian Peninsula to the coast of Africa.
Those days may be gone - though it was only 1970 when slavery was formally abolished in Oman - but the seafaring tradition is alive and well in Sur.
When I climbed the small headland on which the lighthouse stands, I could see the harbour was full of craft - ranging from small rusty trading ships and modern yachts to the fibreglass speedboats used for fishing everywhere along the Omani coast, and a few magnificent wooden dhows like the one resting on the foreshore.
In the town centre a fish market, made of concrete but built in traditional style with open sides, allows women in their black hijab robes to haggle directly with turbaned fishermen for freshly landed fish, as they have for centuries.
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In the narrow lanes near the harbour you can walk past mudbrick buildings with high walls and large ornate gates, once the homes and warehouses for global traders, and imagine lines of slaves carrying in bundles of spices from India, silks from China and animal skins from Africa, as they did not so long ago.
The town continues to be dominated by the 300-year-old Sunaysilah Castle, a powerful square of battlemented walls with four round towers standing on a strategic knoll, its canon aimed equally at the sea before, the desert behind and the town below.
The castle was restored recently with the aid of Unesco funds, its rebuilt rooms lined with old guns, daggers and powder horns, its outbuildings sign-posted as "prison", "water cistern" and "Koran School".
But Ali, our guide, who was of African descent, whispered quietly that most of these places had actually been used to hold slaves.
"No one wants to talk about it. They pretend it didn't happen."
There is, however, continuing pride in the tradition of dhow-building. Down on the seafront is a new museum - so new it hadn't opened when I visited - celebrating these remarkable boats.
Taking pride of place in the courtyard outside is a 150-year-old dhow, built in Sur, traded around the world and brought back from its final resting place in neighbouring Yemen for the museum.
Would it have carried slaves, I wondered?
"Oh, yes," said Ali.
"Slaves were still being brought here and to Yemen more recently than 100 years ago. This ship would have carried them."
The most impressive tribute to Sur's past, however, is not the museum but a working dhow factory which is still churning out these lovely old ships.
Inside its rough wooden gate I was confronted by a massive and seemingly chaotic pile of timber assembled from around the world, and a jumble of old sheds.
Inside one of these sheds we found two craftsmen building a model dhow, about three metres long, evidently in demand as a cultural touch to five-star hotels, posh offices and luxury homes.
Inside another shed was a small shop where miniature dhows of varying sizes were for sale.
Further in, lined up along the shore of Sur's lagoon, three full-sized vessels were being constructed under rough shelters.
First, a magnificent old dhow was being modernised for a wealthy Arab.
"They are very popular as pleasure boats," explained Ali.
"The Sultan has one ... though he also has a modern ship.
"But these boats are not like the old ones. They have air-conditioning, diesel engines, refrigerators, gold bathrooms - anything you want."
Next in line was the keel of a new dhow that had just started to be laid, the curved timbers already pointing to the elegant shape of the finished craft, but no one was actually working on it when we were there.
Down the end, three craftsmen were placing the final timbers, planks about 5cm thick, along the top of a nearly completed hull, and arguing furiously about the best way to do it.
"It is not just Arabs buying these," said Ali.
"Dhows are traded all round the world, and they are part of the history of many countries."
That's true. I've read that Chinese records tell of an Omani dhow visiting Canton about 1300 years ago. It's rather nice to know that these ancient craft still have a part to play.
But the other end of the shipyard tells a different story. On the foreshore lies a dilapidated old dhow which looks as though it is slowly falling to pieces. Beside it in a long shed with open sides sits a row of the ubiquitous fibreglass fishing boats.
Fibre glass? In this temple to wood and craftsmanship?
"It is cheaper and easier to build with, and there is less maintenance," said Ali.
"That is what most people want."
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Monday, May 28, 2012
Hannibal (ship)
The Hannibal was an English slaver (slave ship) of the Atlantic slave trade. The wooden sailing ship was 450 tons and mounted thirty-six guns, which it was frequently forced to use; seven hundred people could be forced into its hold at one time. Many slavers rigged shelves in the middle called a "slave deck," so that individuals could not even sit upright during the entire voyage. The owners of the ship were paid ?10.50 for every slave, but only for those brought to the "New World" alive. As a result, the slaves were fed regularly twice a day a meal of corn meal and beans, given a litre of water per day, and given exercise for an hour every evening to keep them fit. Despite these efforts, an average 20% of the slaves died from disease, physical injuries, or suicide on the Hannibal's voyages.
The ship is most remembered for its disastrous voyage of 1694. Captain Thomas Phillips commanded the Hannibal. He was a British captain and a member of the Royal African Company. To prevent the slaves from running away he was advised to cut off the arms and legs of some to terrify the rest as was the practice of many other slave ship captains, but he refused to do something so drastic.
The Voyage of 1694
This voyage began as any other slave trade in 1694. The ship arrived in Whydah, an African port located in modern day Benin, and purchased 692 slaves, about one-third of them women.
Upon boarding the ship the slaves were handcuffed to one another in pairs of two by their wrists and legs, and branded with a capital "H" to claim the slaves for the Hannibal.
The ship reached the New World with only 372 slaves remaining. Three hundred and twenty slaves died or were dumped overboard by the crew during the voyage.
It is postulated that some slaves may have been thrown overboard so that their insurance value could be collected, but it appears the largest killer was an outbreak of dysentery. Others may have jumped overboard out of fear.
Phillips is reputed as stating that twelve slaves "willfully drowned themselves" during the trip and that several others persistently refused food starving themselves to death, "for it is their Belief that when they die they return to their own Country and Friends again."
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
Guerrero was a Spanish slave ship which wrecked in 1827 on a reef near the Florida Keys with 561 Africans aboard. Forty-one of the Africans drowned in the wreck. Guerrero had been engaged in a battle with a British anti-slavery patrol ship, HMS Nimble, stationed on the northern approaches to Cuba. Nimble also ran onto the reef, but was refloated and returned to service. The two ships were attended by wreckers, who rescued the Spanish crew and surviving Africans from their ship and helped refloat Nimble. Spanish crew members hijacked two of the wrecking vessels and took almost 400 Africans to Cuba, where they were sold as slaves. Most of the remaining Africans were eventually returned to Africa.
Thursday, January 19, 2012
Slavery - definition
Slavery is a where people are treated as property to buy and sell, and are forced to work.
Slaves can be held against their will since their capture, purchase or birth, and deprived of the right to leave, to refuse to work, or to demand compensation. Historically, slavery was recognized by many sociaties; recently times slavery has been outlawed in most sociaties but continues through the practices of debt bondage, indentured servitude, serfdom, domestic servants kept in captivity, certain adoptions in which children are forced to work as slaves, child soldiers, and forced marriage.
Slavery predates written records and has existed in many cultures. The number of slaves today is higher than at any point in history, remaining as high as 12 million to 27 million, though this is probably the smallest proportion of the world's population in history. Most are debt slaves, mainly in South Asia, who are under debt bondage incurred by lenders, sometimes even for generations. Human trafficking is primarily used for purpose of forcing women and children into sex industries.
From about the nineteenth century, "slavery" has been very closely associated with enslavement of non-white, usually black, people by white people. There was no such association; enslavement of any group of people, typically prisoners in a war, and capturing individuals to become slaves was commonplace.
In pre-industrial societies, slaves and their work were economically extremely important. In modern mechanised societies, there is much less need for sheer massive manpower; Norbert Wiener wrote that "mechanical labor has most of the economic properties of slave labor, though ... it does not involve the direct demoralizing effects of human cruelty.
Slaves can be held against their will since their capture, purchase or birth, and deprived of the right to leave, to refuse to work, or to demand compensation. Historically, slavery was recognized by many sociaties; recently times slavery has been outlawed in most sociaties but continues through the practices of debt bondage, indentured servitude, serfdom, domestic servants kept in captivity, certain adoptions in which children are forced to work as slaves, child soldiers, and forced marriage.
Slavery predates written records and has existed in many cultures. The number of slaves today is higher than at any point in history, remaining as high as 12 million to 27 million, though this is probably the smallest proportion of the world's population in history. Most are debt slaves, mainly in South Asia, who are under debt bondage incurred by lenders, sometimes even for generations. Human trafficking is primarily used for purpose of forcing women and children into sex industries.
From about the nineteenth century, "slavery" has been very closely associated with enslavement of non-white, usually black, people by white people. There was no such association; enslavement of any group of people, typically prisoners in a war, and capturing individuals to become slaves was commonplace.
In pre-industrial societies, slaves and their work were economically extremely important. In modern mechanised societies, there is much less need for sheer massive manpower; Norbert Wiener wrote that "mechanical labor has most of the economic properties of slave labor, though ... it does not involve the direct demoralizing effects of human cruelty.
Monday, January 16, 2012
The Aurore (also with the Duc du Maine) was a slave cargo ship which brought the first African slaves to Louisiana back on June 6, 1719 from Senegambia.
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